Documentary Algeria

With numerous shooting days in the south of Algeria, Vincent Productions moves to risky and complex ground. The material created there needs to be translated from the Berber language Tamazhigt and an Algerian dialect of French into German. Bochert Translation coordinates these translation services.

Watch & Write

The international theatre festival Theaterformen, this year hosted in Braunschweig, partnered with the theatre portal to report about the productions presented in the framework of the festival. Writers with different working languages compose essays, interviews, and reviews about the productions or the thematic subjects that surface throughout the festival.

The required translations from Macedonian, Portuguese, or from German into English are provided by Bochert Translations.

Blogger at Theaterformen

Since last year’s edition, the international theater festival Theaterformen runs a blog with an editorial team of its own to accompany the festival with thematic and critical contributions. The articles are composed, among other languages, in German, Arabic, or French.

The translations into and from these languages are provided by Bochert Translations.

Different forms of theatre

The international festival Theaterformen alternates annually between the cities of Braunschweig and Hannover. This year, the festival collaborates with the Kinani Festival in Maputo, Mosambique, as well as with the National Arts Festival Grahamstown, South Africa. Navigate here for the festival programm.

The translations of the web contents and the programme booklet into English have been accomplished by Bochert Translations.

Willi Weitzel in Kenya

Willi Weitzel | Willi Weitzel Film ProduktionReporter Willi Weitzel travels the globe to learn more about the world and in particular to keep a young audience informed about it. In his Sternsinger project, he presents where donations are applied in Kenya and how young people and adults live there.
The English language version of his Sternsinger film was accomplished by Bochert Translations.