Bochert Translations was founded by Henning Bochert in 1996. He is a translator certified for the Berlin courts and notaries for the English language and a member of the translator associations BdÜ (Berufsverband professioneller Dolmetscher und Übersetzer in Deutschland; Trade Association of professional Interpreters and Translators in Germany) and VdÜ (Trade Association of literary translators). Since 2009, he is a member of Drama Panorama: Forum für Übersetzung und Theater e. V. (Drama Panorama: Forum for Translation and Theater e. V.). In the years 2020 and 2021, he was a mentor in the BDÜ’s mentoring programme for professional beginners.
The native German started as a translator in theater and film dubbing, which are still the main focus of the agency. In the United States, he extended this occupation to found the translation agency. In the course of several years, a solid, flexible global network of language experts with a high professional competency developed. Since 2000, the office has been located in Berlin.