Documentary by Ghostcat

Ghostcat Medienproduktion shot material in Sweden. We must not tell what about, though: business secret. In the editing room, the foreign language material needs to be edited, and therefore, it must be understood what’s being said.

Bochert Translations translated the spoken Swedish text into German written text.

Raue Welten

Vincent TV produce a series of travel documentaries about Montenegro, Croatia, Algeria, and other places. The challenge in postproduction is to provide laborious transcriptions and translations for the editing fast.

The translations and transcriptions of the raw material from Montenegrin, French, Arabic, and Tamazight were largely accomplished by Bochert Translations.

Documentary Algeria

With numerous shooting days in the south of Algeria, Vincent Productions moves to risky and complex ground. The material created there needs to be translated from the Berber language Tamazhigt and an Algerian dialect of French into German. Bochert Translation coordinates these translation services.


Rodents, muck-rakers, tusks, horns, tails and beaks – wild animals in Berlin. We translated the documentary BERLIN GANZ WILD into English for DOKfilm (ARTE).

Let me once again thank you and applaud you for this excellent translation.
For our production, this has been a great wrap.

Katrin Kettner, production

Riding you bicycle on your dream island

How do you ride your bicycle in Iceland? Isn’t the rain a nuisance when riding throughout Ireland? Isn’t it too hot for that in Crete?

For the German-French TV station ARTE, our client produced several documentaries of people riding their bicycles on some of Europe’s most beautiful islands like Ireland, Iceland, Crete, Corsica, and Sardinia. In homey irisch restaurants, with a beer-brewing Irish emigré in Sardinia, or on mountainous Crete – we ride with people for whom bicycling is part of their way of life.

Language (mediation) services like editing consulting in the studio or transcriptions of the original soundtrack were provided by Bochert Translations.

Child Labour in India

In support of the Sternsinger charity, Willi Weitzel traveled to India to document how children have to work hard and under conditions severely jeopardizing their health to support their poor families.

The English language version of the film was translated by Bochert Translations.

Auf der Flucht: Kinder spurlos verschwunden

For the French-German TV network ARTE, German production company Lavafilm produced a documentary on unaccompanied children and young adults who fled to Europe. Bochert Translations accompanied the production with transcription, synopsis, translation, and subtitling of the Arabic and Farsi language portions in the film.

Show date: 08 Nov, 2016 on ARTE

Willi Weitzel in Kenya

Willi Weitzel | Willi Weitzel Film ProduktionReporter Willi Weitzel travels the globe to learn more about the world and in particular to keep a young audience informed about it. In his Sternsinger project, he presents where donations are applied in Kenya and how young people and adults live there.
The English language version of his Sternsinger film was accomplished by Bochert Translations.