
The Bundesforum 2021 is a conference of the funding institutions of the Performing Arts that recently took place at Berlin’s Radialsystem venue. On that occasion, the public funding mechanisms on all federal levels (federal level, state and communal level) were in imposingly progressive manner analysed, critically reflected on, and potential future directions were determined. Representatives of the arts, jurors, ministers, and heads of departments talked about their perspectives on the funding structure.

The English translation of the conference programme was accomplished by Bochert Translations.


THE DELEGATION – film script

The Delegation | Image: In Good Company

In Good Company are producing a new feature film telling the story of a delegation of Israeli youths visiting KZ and extermination camp memorial sites.

The script translation from English to German was accomplished by Bochert Translations.

Schengen and its challenges for artistic collaborations

IT Jahrbuch 2018

The German Center of the International Theatre Institute’s yearbook 2018 is now available. The title: Zusammen_wirken.

In his detailed article, Jan van Lathem discusses the implications of the Schengen agreement for artistic collaborations beyond the EU borders. What does one need to keep in mind with such collaborations, what visa regulations apply, which limitations apply to visiting and traveling artists? Where is information available?

digital version of the bilingual magazine is available online.

The German translation of the article was accomplished by Bochert Translations.