Zittau applies for Capital of Culture 2025

The applications for the Capital of Culture status 2025 have been sent. Next to eight German applicant cities Nuremberg, Gera, Hanover, Chemnitz, Hildesheim, Dresden, Magdeburg, the small city of Zittau in teh far southeast of Saxony comes across as a surprise. Her application as a cultural region in the three-country region and the east Saxon cultural area, however, is loaded with convincing cross-border and cross-cultural, truly European concept – in contrast to the cities that are culturally dominant (Dresden) or rather unexiting (Hanover).

The application had to be submitted in English, the extensive bid book was translated by Bochert Translations.


Together with the famous Band The Tiger Lillies from England, the Puppet Theatre Magdeburg produce Edgar Allan Poe’s HAUNTED PALACE.  This is a little bit of what the website of the Puppentheater Magedeburg says about it:

The sinister poetry of E. A. Poe meets the twisted humour of the Tiger Lillies. They create Poe’s raven-black world in a bizarre mixture of anarchic opera, gypsy songs and post-modern vaudeville.

The English language production will be shown with German supertitles. The German translation for the supertitles has been completed by Bochert Translations.